"50 Year Reunion"
Here is the info for our 50 Year Reunion. There will be no regular mailing
so please help spread the word. We are trying to spread the word on
social media and a 15 year old email list:
Fiftyish Class Reunion Weekend! Meet n Greet other LWHS classes,
all are welcome!
Friday, June 17th, 2022 - 6:30 pm until ??? DJ, cash bar, and no cover charge. New Lenox American Legion Post 1977, 14414 Ford Drive New Lenox, IL, 60451, in Outdoor Pavilion.
Saturday, June 18th, 2022 - 5:00 pm until 10:00 pm. Combined LWHS
Classes of 69, 70, 71 and 72. Reunion dinner, music, and dancing -
$35.00 per person - 200 Tickets Available.
New Lenox American Legion Post 1977,
14414 Ford Drive New Lenox, IL, 60451, in Hall.
PAYMENT must be received by 5/18/22. PAYMENT can be made online
through your paypal account at this link: paypal.me/LWKnights7071 or
you can email Donna Minich at donnam1152@gmail.com for information
on paying by paypal. ALSO checks can be made out to Donna Minich
with LWKnights Reunion 70-72 to be put on the memo line of your check
and sent to: Donna Minich 218 Taylor ST Americus, GA, 31709.
Those who have already paid and did
not ask for a refund last year are
considered paid. Lets have a great turnout and a wonderful weekend!
Please spread the word!
Thanks from your
reunion committee: Diane Hossbach Been,
Kathy Bourg Callahan, Joan Marek Dilworth, Jim Kohlbacher,
Rick Mangun, Barb Walsh Miller, Donna Heisner Minich, Jill Neumayer,
Linda Koehler Olson,
Ray Troutman, Barb Mannell Wallace,
Sue (Neilis) Thompson Pasky - stpasky21@yahoo.com